Self justification
Sunday, October 18, 2009, 2:22 AM
Here you are, on this treacherous brink of mere consciousness and how many times have you wandered on the sidelines?

Come back home you're all alone! Everyone is waiting here to say the words to make you stay.

And what's the difference betweeen here and there?

What difference would it make?
Maybe a painkiller would, or probably an apology.
But then again, a step forward would always be easier, isn't it?

I'm burning my wings, my beautiful angel wings.
Thursday, October 15, 2009, 8:37 PM
Black cascade, a fragile note hung trembling
In the thick white air: a swansung requiem
To the degeneration of myriad miraculous visions.
Then tell me, what did you see before you spiralled
So recklessly into the abyss?
Did the rainbows taste sweeter
As you tightrope-walked along the edge?

Without meaning, what are we?
No longer foolish enough to care.

Wistfully oblivious,
You stare through smeared windows
At rudely naked trees,
Aggressively still
Against a backdrop
Of mindless movement.

I hear a faint whisper
Of double-glazed wind,
But in here
Nothing can touch us:
Nothing can penetrate
This grey shroud.

In the hollows of mirror glass
The angel's eggs are cracked:
Stillborn and blushing blue,
They abandon themselves
To the dying of the light.

Away from the sanctuary of terminal sanity,
Through the blustering raw streets
Of strangely everyday normality,
I am awash with melancholy:
The image of you
Following me
Beyond the perimeter
Of our detaching;
Lines of your fractured poetry
Fish-hooked onto my tongue:
The dim resonance of psychic blood.
I am bereft,
Left questioning
What I have become.

Asylum Antechamber (Incomplete), Dee Rimbaud

Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 7:26 PM
To know that that someday is going to come upon us as quick and merciless as Death hurts. Yet, I hold your hand gingerly, hoping that you won't see past and right into this ugly side of me.

Promise me, that you will promise me nothing. Because I'm afraid.

Never knew the way of preserving myself and my sanity. Who could I blame if I reject the very ignorance which could save me?

Such foolish agony. Such pointless pain.
I wonder how cold and lonely my laughter would sound, when I hear this snivelling heart break.

Someone, speak to me.
Saturday, October 3, 2009, 10:44 PM
So much is running through my head. So much swirling that no words can put forth this turmult in my head. My heart and my head, they don't fit. I need to establish a connection, and reach an equillibrum. I need to...-
-I can't stop here. I can't stop anywh- Keep moving on. Keep going. For the world doesnt condone any failures.

There are some things I will never know, and I have to let them go. For, I learn that there is always ambiguity in life and that's where all the questions come in. Someday, I know, I will go out of this world, still clueless to half of the questions I have in mind.

Someone, speak to me. For, I long for words. And the simple knowledge behind it.